Q&A With Amber:
Q) Why did you choose to start at TheRoc Health & Fitness?
A) I entered January 2019 knowing I wanted to make a huge change with my health and fitness but wasn’t sure where to start. My sister & brother-in-law told me they were planning on joining TheRoc Health And Fitness to jump start their health kick for 2019 and I thought why not tag along to try out a class… this ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Walked into the studio and Coach Tj was very welcoming and easy to talk to. The first class was REALLY hard… but I didn’t die (almost) and I thought if I can make it through one, I can make it through another one. Coach was super motivating and encouraging during the entire workout and I decided I wanted to make this part of my regular routine.

Q) What was the hardest part(s) for you of the whole weight loss process?
A) One of the hardest parts of this weight loss journey has been the process of learning to be happy with my achievements even though I may not be seeing the scale numbers drop as fast as I would’ve liked. I had to learn that this process takes time and as Coach likes to say “ The weight didn’t come on overnight, you won’t lose it all overnight”. You gotta keep believing in yourself always!

Q) We’re there any times you felt like giving up? If so, what did you do to keep motivated and stay on track?
A) Yes, the first 5 months were great and I was losing weight quickly but once I hit month 6 I started to plateau and slow down. This started to make me feel somewhat defeated and that this weight loss process was coming to an end. I realized that I didn’t want to go backwards, so I decided to talk to Coach about how I was feeling. Coach TJ gave me great words of encouragement and coached me on the best way to work past the plateau. He gave me new ways to adjust my diet and pushed me even harder in workouts. Coming out of the plateau with 11lbs lost in one week ?

Q) Any Words of encouragement for someone looking to make a lifestyle change?
A) I would say to them I was once that person who thought having your dream body was impossible and I was someone who would look at transformation photos and thought there was no way those are real. But let me tell you ladies and gents, it is and I am living proof. If you put the work in and want it bad enough, it’s possible. Until you decide YOU want to make the change it won’t happen. I may not be exactly where I wanna be yet, but my dream body is in sight! Also, get your tush to TheRocHealth & Fitness so he can whip ya into shape.

Q&A With Louise:
Q) Since You Have Started At TheRoc Health & Fitness, What Changes Have You Noticed?
A) Before TheRoc, I was unhealthy, overweight, suffered with extreme anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Since starting 5 months ago, I have lost 22 lbs, my anxiety and depression are in check and I feel good about myself. I am becoming the healthy fit person that I have always wanted to be and have accomplished so much more than I ever thought was possible in such a short time.

Q) What Was Your First Impression Of TheRoc H.F. What Is Your Impression Now?- Be Honest
A) When I first started it was in a semi private class with 6 of us from a wedding party special that TJ offered, 3 months – 2 days a week. Since I hadn’t really been successful at gyms and on meal plans before I looked at it like a fun time out with the girls and any weight loss would be an added bonus. As for my first impression of TJ, he was a guy getting paid to do a job.
I couldn’t be more WRONG. TJ wasn’t the stereotypical condescending fitness coach that made you feel bad. He is exactly the opposite. It was hard, tough and TJ actually cared and wanted us to succeed. Over our three months I had lost 15 lbs and was feeling better than I had since I was in my 20s. I signed up for regular boot camp membership and haven’t looked back since.

Q) What Helped You Stick To Your Goals & Not Deter From Them?
A) As for what has helped me stick to my goals, I believe that has happened mostly because of TJ. You push me to do better and inspire me to do better. I consider you to not be just my coach but my friend. It has literally changed my life!

Ria’s Testimony:

“I joined TheRoc Health & Fitness boot camp classes about 7 weeks ago. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. I would lose 30 lbs just to gain back 35 lbs. I was very excited to make changes and do things the right way. TJ is currently training me and is now becoming a huge part of my journey. TJ is always open to questions and he’s totally dedicated to his craft, he’ll push you hard (I hate it but I JUST DO IT). TJ will teach you the correct way to do things to get results.”
“Since I’ve started I’ve been introduced to muscles I never knew I had. My legs and arms are finally toning up, my core is stronger, my form is getting better, I’m lifting dead weight c’mon never knew I had it in me. I’ve got a long way to go but TJ made me realize that our goals are attainable with TIME, diet and 100% dedication to hard work you will see results. Also, this journey is a long term life commitment not a quick fix.”